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Ввод текста в динамический массив, разбивка текста на слова

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Вводим текст, нажимаем "ESC" для окончания ввода.



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

char* Function_Text_Input(char *pTextUser, int *i_SIZE);
char** Function_Split_Into_Words(char **pTextWordSplit, int i_SIZE, char *pTextUser);
int Function_Number_Of_Words(char *pTextUserCPY);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int i_SIZE = 10;
	int iCurIndexText = 0;
	char *pTextUser = new char[i_SIZE];//Starting size array for text
	pTextUser = Function_Text_Input(pTextUser, &i_SIZE);//Entering text
	std::cout<<pTextUser<<std::endl;//Display the original text.
	*Reating a copy of the array with the text for word count and the allocation of memory for them
	int iTextLeng = 0;
	iTextLeng = (int)strlen(pTextUser)+1;
	char *pTextUserCPY = new char[iTextLeng];
	strcpy_s(pTextUserCPY, iTextLeng, pTextUser);
	i_SIZE = Function_Number_Of_Words(pTextUserCPY);
	char **pTextWordSplit = new char*[i_SIZE];//Create an array with the words
	pTextWordSplit = Function_Split_Into_Words(pTextWordSplit, i_SIZE, pTextUser);
	delete[] pTextUserCPY;

	*Display an array of individual words
	for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)
	for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)
    delete[] pTextWordSplit[i];
	delete[] pTextWordSplit;
	delete[] pTextUser;
	return 0;

*Write text and save it in a dynamic array
char* Function_Text_Input(char *pTextUser, int *i_SIZE)
	int i_STEP = *i_SIZE/2, iCurIndex = 0, iConsoleSaze = 75;
	char *pTemp;//A pointer to a memory copy with increasing array of text
	int *pNewLine = new int;//Allocate memory for variable inserts a new row
	*pNewLine = 0;
	char cInSymbol;
	while(true)//Cycle text entry
    cInSymbol = _getch();

    if(27 == cInSymbol)//Chek kay to exit
    	pTextUser[iCurIndex] = 0;

    if(13 == cInSymbol)//Processing Keys
    	pTextUser[iCurIndex++] = '\n';
    	*pNewLine = 0;
    else if(8 == cInSymbol && 0 != iCurIndex)
    	pTextUser[--iCurIndex] = 0;
    	if(0 != *pNewLine)
    	pTextUser[iCurIndex++] = cInSymbol;

    *Increasing the array for the text to step increment
    if(iCurIndex == *i_SIZE)
    	pTemp = new char[*i_SIZE + i_STEP];
    	memcpy_s(pTemp, sizeof(char)*(*i_SIZE + i_STEP), pTextUser, sizeof(char) * *i_SIZE);    
    	delete[] pTextUser;
    	pTextUser = pTemp;
    	*i_SIZE += i_STEP;
    	i_STEP = *i_SIZE * 2;

    if(*pNewLine == iConsoleSaze)//Checking the boundaries of the input
    	pTextUser[iCurIndex++] = '\n';
    	*pNewLine = 0;
    pTextUser[iCurIndex] = 0;
    std::cout<< pTextUser;
	*i_SIZE = iCurIndex;
	delete pNewLine;
	return pTextUser;


*Function divides the text into words 
char** Function_Split_Into_Words(char **pTextWordSplit, int i_SIZE, char *pTextUser)
	char *pWordUserText;
	char *pNextWordUserText = NULL;
	pWordUserText = strtok_s(pTextUser, " .,\n", &pNextWordUserText);	
	int iIndex = 0;
	while(pWordUserText != NULL || iIndex < i_SIZE)
    int iLeng = 0;
    iLeng = (int)strlen(pWordUserText)+1;

    pTextWordSplit[iIndex] = new char[iLeng];
    strcpy_s(pTextWordSplit[iIndex++], iLeng, pWordUserText);
    if(pWordUserText != NULL)
    	pWordUserText = strtok_s(NULL, " .,\n", &pNextWordUserText);
	return pTextWordSplit;

*Function divides the text into words 
int Function_Number_Of_Words(char *pTextUserCPY)
	int iCoutnWord = 0;

	char *pWordUserText;
	char *pNextWordUserText = NULL;
	pWordUserText = strtok_s(pTextUserCPY, " .,\n", &pNextWordUserText);
	while(pWordUserText != NULL)
    if(pWordUserText != NULL)
    	pWordUserText = strtok_s(NULL, " .,\n", &pNextWordUserText);
	return iCoutnWord;




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