// strukt.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <iomanip> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> //#include <windows.h> struct student { char pcStudName[15]; char pcStudSurName[15]; int iStudAge; int piStudRating[5]; float iAveRating; }; int FunctionEnterNumber(int iDecimalNumber); int FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(char **pP, int i_SIZE, int &iIndex); void FunctionCreatAgeReating(int *pcRandAge, int *pcRandReating, int i_SIZE); void FunctionDrawingMenu(void); void FunctionFullRandomGen(student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE); void FunctionUserRandomGen( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE, char **pcRandName, char **pcRandSurName, int *pcRandAge, int *pcRandReating ); void FunctionEnterAllDataFromStruct( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE); void FunctionOutputDataStructure( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { const int i_SIZE = 5; int iKayChoice; int iIndex = 0; bool bDataRnd = false; char **pcRandName, **pcRandSurName; int *pcRandAge, *pcRandReating; FunctionDrawingMenu(); student **ppStudentArrPointers = new student*[i_SIZE]; for(int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i) { ppStudentArrPointers[i] = new student[i_SIZE]; } switch(iKayChoice = _getch()) { case 49: FunctionFullRandomGen(ppStudentArrPointers, i_SIZE); break; case 50: system("cls"); bDataRnd = true; pcRandName = new char*[i_SIZE]; pcRandSurName = new char*[i_SIZE]; pcRandAge = new int[i_SIZE]; pcRandReating = new int[i_SIZE]; std::cout<<"Enter names: "<<std::endl; do { std::cout<<"Enter no more than 12 characters and no less than 5 words"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"(or words to enter a space)"<<std::endl; }while(!FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(pcRandName, i_SIZE, iIndex)); system("cls"); std::cout<<"Enter surnames: "<<std::endl; iIndex = 0; do { std::cout<<"Enter no more than 12 characters and no less than 5 words"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"(or words to enter a space)"<<std::endl; }while(!FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(pcRandSurName, i_SIZE, iIndex)); FunctionCreatAgeReating(pcRandAge, pcRandReating, i_SIZE); FunctionUserRandomGen(ppStudentArrPointers, i_SIZE, pcRandName, pcRandSurName, pcRandAge, pcRandReating); break; case 51: FunctionEnterAllDataFromStruct(ppStudentArrPointers, i_SIZE); system("cls"); break; } system("cls"); FunctionOutputDataStructure(ppStudentArrPointers, i_SIZE); //for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//NAME //{ // // std::cout<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iAveRating<<std::endl; //} /* *Removing the memory allocated for the structure */ for(int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i) { delete[] ppStudentArrPointers[i]; } delete[] ppStudentArrPointers; /* *Removing the memory allocated for the surnames and names */ if(bDataRnd) { for(int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i) { delete[] pcRandSurName[i]; delete[] pcRandName[i]; } delete[] pcRandSurName; delete[] pcRandName; delete[] pcRandAge; delete[] pcRandReating; } std::cout<<"It is work"<<std::endl; return 0; } /* *Function input names and surnames */ int FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(char **pP, int i_SIZE, int &iIndex) { char *pArrName = new char[i_SIZE*15]; char *pNextName, *pName; int iLeng; std::cin.getline(pArrName, i_SIZE*15); pName = strtok_s(pArrName, " ", &pNextName); while(iIndex < i_SIZE && pName != NULL)//The breakdown input text into words { iLeng = (int)strlen(pName)+1; if(13 < iLeng)//Check the length of the name { delete[] pArrName; return 0; } pP[iIndex] = new char[iLeng]; strcpy_s(pP[iIndex++], iLeng, pName); if(pName != NULL) { pName = strtok_s(NULL, " ", &pNextName); } iLeng = 0; } if(iIndex < i_SIZE)//Check whether all the names entered { delete[] pArrName; return 0; } delete[] pArrName; return 1; } /* *Function drawing menu */ void FunctionDrawingMenu(void) { char pMessageOne[] = "1) Full generate a list of students"; char pMessageTwo[] = "2) Generate a list of students using the input data"; char pMessageThree[] = "3) Use the data to the list of students, without generating a random method"; int iLengOne, iLengTwo, iLengThree; /* *Constant dimensions of the frame */ const int iScrenSizeX = 78; const int iScrenSizeY = 6; /* *Dimensions for the alignment of text in the center */ iLengOne = (iScrenSizeX - (int)strlen(pMessageOne)) / 2; iLengTwo = (iScrenSizeX - (int)strlen(pMessageTwo)) / 2; iLengThree = (iScrenSizeX - (int)strlen(pMessageThree)) / 2; /* *Draw a border around the text */ for(register int i = 0; i <= iScrenSizeY; ++i)//Draw a box around the menu text { switch(i) { case 0: case iScrenSizeY: for(register int j = 0; j <= iScrenSizeX; ++j) { std::cout<<'#'; } break; case 1: case (iScrenSizeY-1): std::cout<<'#'; for(register int j = 0; j < iScrenSizeX-1; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<'#'; break; case 2: std::cout<<'#'; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengOne; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<pMessageOne; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengOne; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<'#'; break; case 3: std::cout<<'#'; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengTwo; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<pMessageTwo; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengTwo; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<'#'; break; case 4: std::cout<<'#'; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengThree; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<pMessageThree; for(register int j = 0; j < iLengThree; ++j) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<'#'; break; } std::cout<<std::endl; } std::cout<<"Make your choice: "<<std::endl; } /* *Function of filling the structure with random data */ void FunctionFullRandomGen(student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE) { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); char pWiredNames[5][10] = {"Andrew", "Nicholas", "Alexander", "Vladislav", "Gennady"}; char pWiredSurNames[5][13] = {"Gabdulkhaev", "Kadomsky", "Savateykin", "Khaimov", "Babahin"}; for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//NAME { rnd = rand()%5; strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudName, pWiredNames[rnd]); } for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//SURNAME { rnd = rand()%5; strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudSurName, pWiredSurNames[rnd]); } for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//AGE { rnd = rand()%5 + 16; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iStudAge = rnd; } int i_SSARR = sizeof(ppStudentArrPointers[0]->piStudRating)/sizeof(int); for(register int i = 0, rnd = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { rnd = rand()%5 + 1; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j] = rnd; } } for(register int i = 0, sum = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { sum += ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j]; } ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iAveRating = ((float)sum) / i_SSARR; sum = 0; } } /* *Function of filling the structure with random user data */ void FunctionUserRandomGen( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE, char **pcRandName, char **pcRandSurName, int *pcRandAge, int *pcRandReating ) { srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//NAME { rnd = rand()%5; strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudName, pcRandName[rnd]); } for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//SURNAME { rnd = rand()%5; strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudSurName, pcRandSurName[rnd]); } for(register int i = 0, rnd; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//AGE { rnd = rand()%5; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iStudAge = pcRandAge[rnd]; } int i_SSARR = sizeof(ppStudentArrPointers[0]->piStudRating)/sizeof(int); for(register int i = 0, rnd = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { rnd = rand()%5; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j] = pcRandReating[rnd]; } } for(register int i = 0, sum = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { sum += ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j]; } ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iAveRating = ((float)sum) / i_SSARR; sum = 0; } } /* *Function input data from struct student */ void FunctionEnterAllDataFromStruct( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE) { char **pcRandName = new char*[i_SIZE]; char **pcRandSurName = new char*[i_SIZE]; int iIndex = 0; system("cls"); std::cout<<"Enter names: "<<std::endl; do//Enter a name { std::cout<<"Enter no more than 12 characters and no less than 5 words"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"(or words to enter a space)"<<std::endl; }while(!FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(pcRandName, i_SIZE, iIndex)); system("cls"); std::cout<<"Enter surnames: "<<std::endl; iIndex = 0; do//Enter a surname { std::cout<<"Enter no more than 12 characters and no less than 5 words"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"(or words to enter a space)"<<std::endl; }while(!FunctionCreatRandomNameOrSurname(pcRandSurName, i_SIZE, iIndex)); system("cls"); for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//entry into the structure NAME { strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudName, pcRandName[i]); } for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//entry into the structure SURNAME { strcpy_s(ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudSurName, pcRandSurName[i]); } for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i) { delete[] pcRandSurName[i]; delete[] pcRandName[i]; } delete[] pcRandSurName; delete[] pcRandName; std::cout<<"Please enter the age of "<<i_SIZE<<" students"<<std::endl; for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//entry into the structure AGE { std::cout<<"Student "<< i <<std::endl; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iStudAge = FunctionEnterNumber(2); } int i_SSARR = sizeof(ppStudentArrPointers[0]->piStudRating)/sizeof(int); std::cout<<"Enter 5 ratings for each of the "<<i_SIZE<<" students"<<std::endl; for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//entry into the structure RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { std::cout<<"Student "<< i <<" rating "<< j <<std::endl; ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j] = FunctionEnterNumber(1); } } for(register int i = 0, sum = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//entry into the structure EV RATING { for(register int j = 0; j < i_SSARR; ++j) { sum += ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j]; } ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iAveRating = ((float)sum) / i_SSARR; sum = 0; } } /* *Function input age and reating student */ void FunctionCreatAgeReating(int *pcRandAge, int *pcRandReating, int i_SIZE) { system("cls"); std::cout<<"Please enter the age of 5 students"<<std::endl; for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//AGE { std::cout<<"Student "<< i <<std::endl; pcRandAge[i] = FunctionEnterNumber(2); } system("cls"); std::cout<<"Please enter the age of 5 students"<<std::endl; for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i)//REATING { std::cout<<"Student "<< i <<std::endl; pcRandReating[i] = FunctionEnterNumber(1); } system("cls"); } /* *The function convert a string to number */ int FunctionEnterNumber(int iDecimalNumber) { if(iDecimalNumber > 9) { iDecimalNumber = 9; } int cInputKay; int iResult = 0; char *cNumbersArr = new char[iDecimalNumber+1]; *cNumbersArr = '\0'; for(int i = 0;;i = 0) { for(bool bFlags = false;;) { cInputKay = _getch(); system("cls"); switch(cInputKay) { case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: cNumbersArr[i++] = (char)cInputKay; cNumbersArr[i] = 0; if(i == iDecimalNumber) { bFlags = true; } break; case 13: cNumbersArr[i] = 0; bFlags = true; break; case 8: if(i == 0) { break; } cNumbersArr[--i] = 0; break; } std::cout<< cNumbersArr; if(bFlags) { break; } } system("cls"); iResult = atoi(cNumbersArr); delete[] cNumbersArr; return iResult; } system("cls"); delete[] cNumbersArr; return -1; } /* *Function output data structure */ void FunctionOutputDataStructure( student **ppStudentArrPointers, int i_SIZE) { const int iScrenSizeX = 59; const int iNWords = 5; char pTextWords[iNWords][8] = {"Name", "Surname", "Age", "Rating", "AVR"}; /* *Dimensions for the alignment of text in the center */ int iLeng[iNWords] = {0}; for(register int i = 0; i < iNWords; ++i) { switch(i) { case 0: case 1: case 3: iLeng[i] = (15 - (int)strlen(pTextWords[i])) / 2; break; case 2: case 4: iLeng[i] = (6 - (int)strlen(pTextWords[i])) / 2; break; } } /* *Frame Header * ######################################### * # # # # # # * # # # # # # * # # # # # # * ######################################### * * */ for(register int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { switch(i) { case 0: for(register int j = 0; j < iScrenSizeX; ++j) { std::cout<<'#'; } break; case 1: for(register int j = 0; j < iNWords; ++j) { switch(j) { case 0: std::cout<<'#'; case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: for(register int k = 0; k < iLeng[j]; ++k) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<< pTextWords[j]; for(register int k = 0; k < iLeng[j]; ++k) { std::cout<<' '; } std::cout<<'#'; break; } } break; case 2: for(register int j = 0; j < iScrenSizeX; ++j) { std::cout<<'#'; } break; } std::cout<<std::endl; } /* *Formatted output of data and structure */ for(register int i = 0; i < i_SIZE; ++i) { std::cout<<std::setw(11)<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudName; std::cout<<std::setw(17)<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->pcStudSurName; std::cout<<std::setw(7)<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iStudAge; std::cout<<std::setw(7); for(register int j = 0; j < i_SIZE; ) { std::cout<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->piStudRating[j]; ++j; if(j < i_SIZE) std::cout<<','; } std::cout<<std::setw(7)<<ppStudentArrPointers[i]->iAveRating; std::cout<<std::endl; } }
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